Registration Fees

Only the selected participants that have received confirmation from the organizing committee, are allowed to pay the registration fee and will be finally in the academy

The registration fee is 150 EUR. It will cover coffee breaks and lunches on all days of the Academy as well as the excursion. You will have to arrange the accommodation yourself. Don’t wait too long with it as the end of October is a very touristic season in Barcelona.

We are aiming to offer travel grants to participants. Grantees don’t have to pay the registration fee and will get their travel expenses covered. The grant does not include costs for accommodation. You will have to arrange this yourself.

  • Registration fee: 150€

  • First of all, you have to create an account and accept the terms of use of the registration site. Once logged in, you will be able to register by following the link My Congress. There, please select the type of registration, introduce the billing information, and complete the payment.

    Should you have any questions related to financial issues (payments and invoices), please contact: financialsupport@cimne.upc.edu

    Registration fees are expressed in Euro.

    Full regular participation. It includes participation in Workshops plus coffee breaks, lunches and social event.

    Payment Confirmation Notifications will be sent to your email address, once your payment is processed successfully.