Programme Overview

Under the theme of "From Methodological Diversity to Collaborative Research," our program provides participants with opportunities to learn about specific aspects of multi-hazard DRR through introductory lectures, present and discuss their work in poster sessions, and gain in-depth knowledge via self-organised workshops, such as discussion rounds, problem-solving sessions, or tutorials. Key topics of the conference are: 1) Identifying multi-hazard events, 2) Dynamics of Exposure and Vulnerability, 3) multi-(hazard-)risk impacts and DRR strategies and 4) Human factor in DRR. More details regarding the themes is found in Supplement 1. Day 3 is fully dedicated to skill-sharing of proposal writing and doing so in small inter-/transdisciplinary teams.

Participants are playing an active role in the programme. Every participant will present ongoing work/research on advancing multi-hazard DRR in one of four poster sessions. Furthermore, they can suggest breakout-sessions of 45 or 90 minutes under one of the above four themes. They can offer a discussion-round (e.g. with a topic like “How can we make use of geospatial observation data for multi-hazard event sets?”) or a tutorial (e.g. “Best practice Machine Learning for assessment of multi-hazard susceptibility, vulnerability and exposure”) or a problem-solving session (e.g. on “How can we engage with stakeholders to collect insights into the dynamics of vulnerabilities?”) to create a space for participants to learn and discuss about latest research (skills). Other, innovative session formats are welcome as well.

Time Wednesday, 23/10/24 Thursday, 24/10/24 Friday, 25/10/24 Saturday, 26/10/24
8:30-9:00 Registration
9:00-9:30 Opening-Plenary Opening-Plenary Opening-Plenary
9:30-10:00 Topic 1 - Identifying multi-hazard events
Introductory lecture (30 min)
Poster-Session (60 min)
Topic 3 - Multi(-hazard)-risk impacts & DRR strategies
Introductory lecture (30 min)
Poster-Session (60 min)
Proposal brainstorming
Workshop: Proposal Writing 101 (75 min)
Group meeting (15 min)
Field excursion
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:00-11:30 Topic 1 - Identifying multi-hazard events
Break-out sessions
Topic 3 - Multi(-hazard)-risk impacts & DRR strategies
Break-out sessions
Proposal writing
Group meeting (90 min)
13:00-13:30 Lunch Break
14:00-14:30 Topic 2 - the dynamics of vulnerability and exposure
Introductory lecture (30 min)
Poster-Session (60 min)
Topic 4 - Human factor in DRR
Introductory lecture (30 min)
Poster-Session (60 min)
Proposal writing
Group meeting (90 min)
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-16:30 Topic 2 - the dynamics of vulnerability and exposure
Topic 4 - Human factor in DRR
Proposal writing
Finalising proposal draft (60 min)
17:00-17:30 Closing-Plenum
17:30-18:00 Plenum Plenum
18:00-18:30 Networking Drinks Serious Game Night