
Participation is open for Early Career Researchers and Early Career Practitioners. We follow the definition of EGU: be a student, a PhD candidate, or a practising scientist or practitioner who received their highest certificate (e.g., BSc, MSc or PhD) within the past seven years. The seven-year period can be extended to allow for periods when the scientist was not working in science because of, but not limited to, caring and/or parental responsibilities, disability, personal illness, community obligations, or national service.

Applications must be submitted using below form, before August 13, 2024

Link to application form

During your application you will need to provide a short motivation (max. 400 characters, counts for 40% of the evaluation), an abstract of a poster you will be presenting during the academy (max. 600 characters, counts for 40% of the evaluation) and potentially a session proposal idea (see Programme for more information, max. 800 characters, counts for 20% of the evaluation).